Kerry Logistics Tracciatura spedizioni

Traccia i tuoi Kerry Logistics pacchi in tempo reale e ricevi notifiche automatiche di spedizione con Kerry Logistics tracking on TrackingMore.


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Their CS line is never picked up. Email address provided on internet is not vaild email. After more than 1 week, my parcel still not collected. Even the merchant - SHIEN that use them I wonder is all a scam

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I thank ms.marie for assisting me for my order She has fluent english and explaining me everything i ask So for ke its a big thumb up,i thank again ms.marie for giving me a good service

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Excellent service. Courier helped me with the package - carpet to my house. Thanks!!!!!!!

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It says item may reached to my area 7-10 days. But turns out less than one week to reach my exact residential place.

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