Painfully slow

Organization that is overwhelmed and painfully slow. At a minimum update your tracking process with additional information so users can have an idea that package is at least still in the system. Recent package showed the n the same post for well over three weeks, filed complaint and received response that it was showing in another location but still on its way. The complaint was closed as resolved but package never showed or moved from the location.

응답 JRS

Post threatening my freedom and sieze my package after waiting 30 days they are telling me they don\'t got it and told me they would arrest me

응답 shopaholic

They tapping phone so don\'t call there inspection center they are working with federal they took my package and threatening me they inspect my package it was 2 day priority it\'s 2021 they still got my package and wiretapping your phone when you call there number bunch of thieves and lazy government money hungry selfish dorks

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오늘 배송 추적

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