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Lost In Space

Unbelievable! Their own web site for tracking states that you can track with either a tracking number OR a reference number. QUOTE: ..."or you can select the reference number box..." BUT THERE IS NO REFERENCE NUMBER BOX!!!! Why does everything with these people have to be a futile effort? Like their employees - it's no damn wonder that so many parcels get lost. I've just stopped ordering from outside of North America. I can't take the frustration any more. They are single handedly killing Canadian citizens participation in the Global Economy.

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Chcesz zautomatyzować aktualizacje przesyłek lub poprawić wydajność dostaw? Dzięki potężnemu interfejsowi API TrackingMore będziesz mieć wszystkie narzędzia na wyciągnięcie ręki, aby przekształcić podróż klienta po zakupie.