加纳邮政 的点评人 Miller

Satisfactory service

I can honestly say that I have had decent experience with this company. After having read the reviews and I admit that I was afraid that I may not recieve my parcel. It's called EMS, however the service does take 10 and 21 days before the item is received. I think that customers need to be aware that once items leaves Accra, it can no longer be tracked via the GH post website. You need to contact your local post for additional information. This is the link I used to help me with my parcel once it left Accra. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwheremy.com%2Fems-post-tracking%2Fgh-ems-tracking-ghana-ghana-post&h=AT2LLdegk-5iZIo_vMOWIx9XsGLmiNiLUcsRTw7CtOrThKP2h_Ufj3SlekFLjO6ukSAYUc1QXdDuWjYIJtO4FeoFYWZafzQQ6hBO60fqw4ElguPmVPx2WCP_GSiXRunySP7Zgrp4u5ugUCnT6diwQfaJq_NYNEZW6t5R I do believe that this company should be given the benefit of the doubt. Give it 10 business days once it leaves Accra then use the above mentioned Link to track.


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