CJ Packet revisado por Simon

Missing local carrier/tracking number

Arrived in town (Sweden), but can't get it out without local carrier and tracking number. My CJ Packet tracking number is: CJPIU4180000317YQ Please help!
CJ Packet

Respuesta Simon

Hi Simon, Here\'s tracking number 373221512543387273. You can contact the local post for the package. Contact number: 0352957700 Or 0771400345. Hope it helps.

Respuesta CJ Packet

Thank you, this allowed me to collect my package. I appreciate your response!
CJ Packet

Respuesta Simon

That\'s great! :D

Respuesta CJ Packet

Can you help me please. My tracking number is SYUS001405275 Order says delivered but I didn’t get anything

Respuesta Gly

Is their a different tracking number for my order instead of that so I can ask my local post about it
CJ Packet

Respuesta Gly

Hi Gly, this order SYUS001502400 is on the way to US, and there\'s no USPS tracking number before it arrived US. Please wait patiently.
CJ Packet

Respuesta Gly

Hi Gly, Here\'s tracking number SYUS001405275=9400111200830303333822. It was delivered, please contact the local post for the package if you didn\'t receive it. USPS: ( 1 800) 222 1811

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