Flyt Express przeglądowi przez AltViking

Tracking codes are FAKE (just estimates)

Re tracking numbers F363552009260001 UY200926001123JL F3323920100501MO and UZ20101101469KB These items have departed from American customs a long time ago -three (of the four) of them OVER A MONTH AGO! No mailing service in America is that slow -some guy and his donkey could have delivered them by now! Where are my products and why haven't I received them yet? The email listed on your website doesn't work. you don't have a facebook page, the chat service on your website doesn't work and even the "contact us" form on the website demands some mystery phone number formatting I can't decipher, so that doesn't work, either! #FLYTEXPRESS #EBAY #NOTSOEXPRESS #SLOW #BADCUSTOMERSERVICE #GREENHAT #Shuāilǎo #Ruòzhìde

Odpowiedz AltViking

this is the number to contact them 11234567890

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