ZTO Express Tracciatura spedizioni

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keow chee hau

您好,我的包裹在 [海外段运输] 运单号码:8634948615 物流公司: 中通秀驿 想知道大概几时会收到我的货物? 谢谢

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電話打了很多次才聯絡到客服人員 但是服務態度頗好

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您好,我的包裹在 2017-Oct-30 Mon.18:33:34【海外】送关 [国内段运输] 运单号码: 460665285923 物流公司: 中通快递 客服电话: 95311 [海外段运输] 运单号码: 600016904067 物流公司: 中通秀驿 想知道大概几时会收到我的货物? 谢谢

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Excellent service. Package properly received as packed.

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Super god info og service...

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Wistar Lim

[国内段运输] 运单号码: 449501032107 物流公司: 中通快递 客服电话: 95311 [海外段运输] 运单号码: TA000064669MY 物流公司: Lazada(空运) 请问包裹目前在哪里呢?还未收到包裹的呢

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It is perfect through the whole delivery prograss

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Dear.sir my brother have send me a parsel in tianjin in china in our company hotel address but i came pakistan in emergancy and can not recieve phisically my parsel.my friend is in tianjin Plz guide me ..if my friend recieve my parsel on my behalf and hy will carry it and will deliever me in pakistan Thanks Nasir. +92-302-7571673

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Dear.sir my brother have send me a parsel in tianjin in china in our company hotel address but i came pakistan in emergancy and can not phisically my parsel.my friend is in tianjin Plz guide me ..if my friend recieve my parsel on my behalf and hy will carry it and will deliever me in pakistan Thanks

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I am an exchange student and have living in China for years. With several transactions with ZTO Express, I have to say it has a very high efficiency.

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kindly deliver parsal at the address

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