SEO ranking is how your website is positioned by a search engine on its results pages. It’s simply the part or number of pages where you are paced when one searches for something relevant to your site’s content. Search engine optimization will involve making your website appear in online searches through different strategies. It’s a major marketing tactic. Still, it allows you to reach more people when they search actively for a keyword related to your pages. Consider it a step to giving your brand more recognition, creating bonds, and becoming a trustworthy specialist in your niche.

The Quality of The Page Content

Pictures of the letters Content

When it gets to Google rankings, content is of prime value. Fresh, unique, and didactic content is top-ranked on search engine page results. The attention of Google values content and regards website optimization.

What’s the Standard Quality for Google Content?

  • It should be unique and relevant.
  • Your content must be unique and adequately provide relevant information to the readers. Should it be duplicated from other websites, the SEO will be negatively affected. Consequently, this gradually grows traffic.
  • It should be freshly updated.
  • Updated content with new information resounds positively on the search engine. Google is favorable when your site offers up-to-date information. The best way to be apprised is to check on Google Trends.
  • Stick to the specific word count
  • Be straight to the point. It avoids fluff that causes lengthier word counts. Google will prefer content that answers the questions fully with relevant detailed solutions.
  • Organize and structure your content

Organizing and structuring your content makes it more readable. Make good use of H1, H2, and H3s subheadings. Again, you can utilize HTML tags for points. As a result, Google can easily feature them on answer snippets should the common keyword be searched.

10 Google SEO ranking effect factors

Domain Authority

domain authority process diagram

Domain authority is a ranking metric that proves your knowledgeability status on specific subjects. It analyzes how search engines will rank your site. Its scores are on percentage. The higher the score, the higher the probability of ranking high.

Your site authority can be boosted by getting super-quality backlinks. However, stacking them up should not be mistaken for a higher ranking. First, your content has to be relevant. Research topics that are Googled the most by utilizing the WordPress Google Analytics tool. Once you have this topic, make sure your work is standard for Google to recognize your site as an expert on the topic.

Title Tag

Title Tag Log

You may have all the relevant information on your site, but it won’t be ranked because of the title tag. Title tags need to be in line with your information. A wrong one would be misleading. So, always include the targeted keywords in your tags and ensure they are readable. A long title tag is commonly searched, and they have to include good SEO strategies. The title tag must contain keywords, Using modifiers, such as: Best, Free, list, guide, digital, fast, etc., often has unexpected effects A four-worded title tag statistically has more searches than a two-worded one.

Keyword and Image Optimization

Schematic diagram of keyword research

Keywords are the search words internet users use on Google. Your website needs to contain the relevant ones for Google to process your page on any research.

Keywords go hand in hand with

  1. Title tags: – You should have a keyword at the beginning of your post
  2. Meta description: – Keywords in meta description help the readers ascertain the relevance of your post
  3. Image Alt Section: Google won’t show rad images, but a keyword in the alt image section is helpful when it comes to ranking.
  4. Anchor text: – Google needs an anchor text to ascertain the point of your page. A keyword when liking will make the process efficient.


  • Use latent semantic indexing keywords- These are not primary keywords, but they are relative.
  • Do not stuff keywords- stuffing is repeating the same keyword. Rather, you should try out different variations on the same.
  • Use keywords in your subheadings- This improves organization. Try out the LSI keywords.
  • Include a keyword in the URL – Google easily locates content as long as there is a keyword in the URL.

Website Structure

When launching a website, looking at the website structure is important. It’s vital for both crawling and indexing. Suffice it to say, it dictates traffic can find your web and its pages.

Improvement in structure commences by building a site outline on WordPress. This will be a map containing the vital pages to be familiarized with by the engine. It said the crawler to move in your website and realize recently added content and index the pages.

The robots.txt file on WordPress, when optimized, will also help Google with indexing your site. It’s the pathway provider for bots and directs them on indexing and crawling. Still, it outlines pages that the crawler should get to from the ones they shouldn’t.

Page Loading Speed

Page Loading Speed

In the hundreds of Google ranking factors, the speed at which your page loads should be your primary concern. Beginning in May 2021, Google prioritized speeds on its web vitals.

Speed is critical, and it impacts user experience. Your site needs to be responsive and quick when loading images and fonts. Sites that take longer to open are subject to penalties from Google. Again, a slower pace makes Google bots take longer when indexing your site. Set the basic page loading speed and inspect the areas making it slow. Then, you can contemplate fixing it in any of these ways.

Use Google’s page speed checker

It calculates the loading time and recommends how it can be improved.

Resize your images and their format

Images take much bandwidth and affect opening speed. Resize larger images with photo editors and transfer them at 72 dpi.

Cut Off Some Over-Dependencies

  • Plugins – Plugins have slow loading speeds. Cut off the ones you are not using.
  • Tracking Scripts- One tool is enough to track traffic on your site. Additional ones will cause slowness. Should your CMS be WordPress, you should use WP to run scripts. Still, you may use Google Analytics.  
  • Update your CMS software frequently.

External Links

Computer with link logo

External links are content companions. Google’s ranking algorithms have to use them to enable the crawler to get your website for indexing. Thus, content without any extremal links will hardly get any traffic. Consider external links as your website’s whistleblower. This, in conjunction with other factors, shall be used by Google to give you a ranking.

Having external links on high authority websites increases your possibilities for better rankings. You send a message that multiple websites trust your content through external links.

User Experience

Google evaluates user behavior and rules out how they feel about your site. Therefore, your site has to leave an appositive mark if you want it to achieve a higher ranking. The rank brain algorithm processes user experience. It’s a machine learner that interprets the following.

Click-through rate

A positive mark will be registered if your site is clicked on from the search results. It interprets it as relevant and didactic.

Bounce rate

If traffic leaves your page just after clicking it, your content is not aligned with its title or the meta. Thus, a negative mark for irrelevance and a poor ranking in the long run.

Dwelling duration

If an individual stays on your site for long, you have something engaging and hence more credit. Providing a user with a good experience equals to better ranking. It’s an overall step to make visitors get to your content and even engage.

To achieve this, you need to have readable fonts on your content. The graphics must be informative. On the other hand, the web design should be appealing, while the web should have a limited number of ads.

Mobile Optimization

A higher ranking will depend on how fast your site opens on the phone and its friendly. Since 2019 google has been fancying mobile-friendliness. It now uses the mobile function part when it gets to indexing and positioning.

About 65% of searches are done on phones, so you need to have images on your web optimized for phones. The text should have a readable font too. Finally, the links should be optimized to open with the touch functions.

If not effectively done, mobile phone users will have a bad experience with your pages. That means less dwelling time and slow loading. If you are using WordPress, you can savor their mobile-friendly preview builders. Still, you can use the Google Accelerated Mobile Pages. The latter may at times require entire website rebuilding.

Lastly, use Google Console to find out the mobile-friendly nature of your website. It lists your result and the changes ta need to be made.

Website Security (HTTPS)

Website Security logo

In conjunction with the structure of your site, security is also a Google ranking factor. Your site should be HTTPS. This encrypts the user’s data from the website. It’s been a ranking factor since 2014. Following that, you need to get SSL certificates which are only associated with HTTPS, so you better update.


While many factors affect SEO ranking, the above are considered the most precarious ones if not done in the right manner. If you are still trapped in the poor ranking pit, consider checking the above to up your ranking.

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