Brand packaging has become a striking salesman for most brands because it boosts brand influence and awareness. Most consumers buy a product depending on the packaging. Even though the packaging is there temporarily, it is usually the first image that comes to consumers’ minds when they think of a brand or product.

To manufacturers, custom packaging is an inevitable expense. On the other hand, consumers see it as something to discard or recycle, while marketers see it as a big opportunity to boost sales.

How Has Packaging Affected Sales for Big Brands

Big brands like Samsung, Apple, and Microsoft always have high-quality, well-designed packaging. In most cases, when opening a store it’s recommended to have unique custom packaging features, and also provide customers with cards with logo, hand tags, custom stickers, tape as well as envelope bag design. The reason is, that most consumers decide based on their first impression of the product’s packaging. So, how does brand packaging on the market affect sales for big brands?

Brand Positioning

Many superior brands can easily be identified through their packaging images, colors, or text. Using custom packaging enables consumers to identify your brand in any retail store.

Brand positioning is essential because people go for packaging that stands out amongst competitors. Big brands use well-tuned custom packaging to boost the product’s market position, hence attracting customers.

Color Connection

Color in packaging plays a major role. For instance, most cereal brands for kids use vibrant colors while healthier; adult options have earthy, neutral tones. Furthermore, brands that promote a lavish lifestyle for silver or gold with a black blend exude extravagance. According to statistics, approximately 62-90 % of consumers buy a product based on the color of the packaging and how it relates to the product.

Beautifully wrapped gift

Element of Quality

Brand packaging custom designs are a significant way of creating alignment for a brand. Big brands that use packaging to establish quality standards make a lot of sales and conversions.

For instance, Apple has always used quality packaging to alert consumers of the product’s value. Using the external to describe the top-notch product inside has never failed. And as a result, amazing packaging designs not only market the product but also build an ever-green engagement with customers.

Perception of Value

When you think of a brand like Under Armor, the packaging’s positioning and design immediately hint at pro athletes. This type of packaging gives the consumer a perception of quality. If they want to enhance their lifestyle or be in the know, they will go for this brand for any sports or athleisure apparel.

Another great point of discussion is how potential customers think of big brands as the crème de la crème – thanks to great marketing strategies and custom packaging. With this kind of brand influence, consumers will want to purchase your product for fear of missing out.

Importance of Building a Package Tracking Page for Your Brand

elements to your tracking page, you can reinforce your brand identity and enhance customer loyalty.

With TrackingMore, building a beautiful branded tracking page is quite intuitive. Here’s how you can do it:
Find the Tracking Page option
First, sign in to your account and go to TrackingMore Home, you will see the Tracking Page option. Hit the Edit button to customize your branded tracking page.

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Customize Branded Tracking Page

Next, add your brand’s logo, messaging, and other design elements to the tracking page. You can upload your logo, choose your brand’s colors, and add custom messaging to create a page that reflects your brand identity.

Publish Your Tracking Page

Once you’re happy with your design, click “Save” to make your tracking page live. You can then share the link with your customers, so they can track their orders and enjoy a seamless and branded post-purchase experience.

Analyze Page Data

By building a branded tracking page with TrackingMore, you can differentiate your brand from competitors and enhance your customers’ overall experience.

Importance of Packaging Customization for a Brand

Behind every successful brand is a long chain of repeat customers. Brand packaging custom designs are an excellent way to tell your customers that they can buy from you again – and again. If your custom packaging can convince a buyer to trust your product, then you are on the right track.

Packaging customization is an investment that never disappoints because it strengthens your brand as a whole. When you give your customers more than they expect, they value your brand more. And this does not mean going out of your way to impress; a simple customized packaging material or images will do the trick!

Next, packaging customization gives buyers a remarkable unboxing experience that guarantees a satisfactory user experience. It communicates that on top of providing high-quality products, the brand is willing to please the buyer.

Did you know that 60% of consumers distinguish customized packaging as a sign of high-end products or services? Subsequently, 40% of online shoppers recommend brands with customized packages. These statistics prove that packaging customization enhances a brand’s social shareability, and visibility online and offline and promotes return buyers.

Beautifully wrapped gift in red wrapping paper

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How to Improve Packaging to Enhance Brand Influence

Custom and improved packaging enhances brand influence. The big question is, how can you improve the packaging to do so?

Stay Simple

One of the biggest brand packaging custom hacks is keeping it minimalistic and simple. Visual information attracts consumers so much that they hardly have time for unnecessary details. Simply, less is more. The goal of brand influence through packaging is to make the packaging iconic and easy to identify.

Keep it Authentic

There is no fine line between authentic and inauthentic packaging, but consumers will always know the difference. To boost brand influence, go for packaging with a sense of originality but still engages the audience and gives your product description.

Have a Detailed Design

Many start-up brands fail to see the importance of design when creating custom packaging. A creative and evaluated design appeals more to potential customers. Thus, it is easier to compete with other brands in your niche and have an upper hand with distinctive packaging.

Have Stunning Topography

Topography entails everything to do with your text, from the font to the color, spacing, alignment, and readability. Having excellent topography develops your brand’s personality and sets you apart from competitors. A good example is Marlboro, which uses visual appeal, a unique font, and a simple design to pass the product’s message to the intended audience.

Study Your Shelf Competition

Competitor research and analytics will always keep you ahead in your industry. When you have the right product packaging data for your category/niche, you can come up with a workable physical and structural custom design. Your design should be unique but still encompass the lingo’ that consumers relate with on the market.

Several gifts beautifully wrapped with red ribbons

Brand packaging on the market keeps evolving. If you want your product and brand, in general, to stand out, you must understand your target audience, research your competition, and only take feedback from reliable sources. Appearance and the first impression will always matter when it comes to marketing. So as long as your packaging is trendy and effective, you are good to go!

The TrackingMore team shares insights on logistics tracking technology, industry trends, and e-commerce logistics solutions to help businesses streamline shipment tracking and enhance customer post-purchase experience.

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