Omni Parcel Tracciatura spedizioni

Traccia i tuoi Omni Parcel pacchi in tempo reale e ricevi notifiche automatiche di spedizione con Omni Parcel tracking on TrackingMore.


Overall rating
  • 38
  • 4
  • 2
  • 0
  • 1
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It delivers all your packages within the acceptable estimated delivery time. Very reliable and good company.

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Exactly a week now with the status: Customs held for inspection and clearance and two weeks since I ordered online. Tried to email the customs telling me via automated reply that I should check with the parcel service instead.

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I am sick of some couriers who are bad in shpping my items. Howeverm, this courier really impressed me in terms of its fast delivery speed and dedicated employee.

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yesterday i sent a package with omni parcel. The guy helped me to pack my parcel and reminded me to keep the tracking number well. the service is so good. And i hope the delivery time is fast.

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Omni Parcel has shipped my goods three times and it did a great job at every time. Satisfactory.

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