TrackingMore API

PHP Class Example 

  • The class of api

            1. Download this Class to desired location
            2. Fill in Trackingmore-Api-Key in this Class in line "protected $apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';"
            3. Require this class in your project.

    List all supported couriers and corresponding courier code at TrackingMore.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getCarrierList();
    Detect a carrier by tracking code
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $trackingNumber = 'RM121546236CN';
    $track = $track->detectCarrier($trackingNumber);
    Get tracking results of multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $numbers = 'RG848383345CN,RM121546236CN';
    $orders = '#123';
    $page = 1;
    $limit = 50;
    $createdAtMin = time() - 7*24*60*60;
    $createdAtMax = time();
    $update_time_min = time() - 7*24*60*60;
    $update_time_max = time();
    $order_created_time_min = time() - 7*24*60*60;
    $order_created_time_max = time();
    $lang = 'en';
    $track = $track->getTrackingsList($numbers,$orders,$page,$limit,$createdAtMin,$createdAtMax,$update_time_min,$update_time_max,$order_created_time_min,$order_created_time_max,$lang);
    Create a tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $extraInfo                         = array();
    $extraInfo['title']                = 'iphone6';
    $extraInfo['logistics_channel']   = '4PX挂号小包';
    $extraInfo['customer_name']        = 'charse chen';
    $extraInfo['customer_email']       = '[email protected]';
    $extraInfo['order_id']             = '8988787987';
    $extraInfo['customer_phone']       = '86 13873399982';
    $extraInfo['order_create_time']    = '2018-05-11 12:00';
    $extraInfo['destination_code']     = 'US';
    $extraInfo['tracking_ship_date']   = time();
    $extraInfo['tracking_postal_code'] = '13ES20';
    $extraInfo['lang']                 = 'en';
    $track = $track->createTracking('china-post','RM121516216CN',$extraInfo);
    Create multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $items = array(
            'tracking_number' => 'RM131516216CN',
            'carrier_code'    => 'china-post',
            'title'          => 'iphone6',
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            'customer_name'   => 'charse chen',
            'customer_email'  => '[email protected]',
            'order_id'      => '8988787987',
            'customer_phone'      => '+86 13873399982',
            'order_create_time'      => '2018-05-11 12:00',
            'destination_code'      => 'US',
            'tracking_ship_date'      => time(),
            'tracking_postal_code'      => '13ES20',
            'lang'      => 'en'
            'tracking_number' => 'RM111516216CN',
            'carrier_code'    => 'china-post',
            'title'          => 'iphone6s',
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            'customer_name'   => 'clooney chen',
            'customer_email'  => '[email protected]',
            'order_id'      => '898874587',
            'customer_phone'      => '+86 13873399982',
            'order_create_time'      => '2018-05-11 12:00',
            'destination_code'      => 'US',
            'tracking_ship_date'      => time(),
            'tracking_postal_code'      => '13ES20',
            'lang'      => 'en'
    $track = $track->createMultipleTracking($items);
    Get tracking results of a single tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getSingleTrackingResult('china-post','RM131516216CN','en');
    Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of a single tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $extraInfo['title']          = 'iphone6';
    $extraInfo['logistics_channel'] = '4PX挂号小包';
    $extraInfo['customer_name']  = 'charse chen';
    $extraInfo['customer_email'] = '[email protected]';
    $extraInfo['order_id']       = '8988787987';
    $extraInfo['customer_phone'] = '+86 13873399982';
    $extraInfo['destination_code'] = 'US';
    $extraInfo['status']       = 7;
    $track = $track->updateTrackingItem('china-post','RM131516216CN',$extraInfo);
    Delete a tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->deleteTrackingItem('china-post','RM131516216CN');
    Get realtime tracking results of a single tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $extraInfo['destination_code']          = 'US';
    $extraInfo['tracking_ship_date']  = '20180226';
    $extraInfo['tracking_postal_code'] = '13ES20';
    $extraInfo['specialNumberDestination']       = 'US';
    $extraInfo['order']       = '#123123';
    $extraInfo['order_create_time']       = '2017/8/27 16:51';
    $extraInfo['lang']       = 'cn';
    $track = $track->getRealtimeTrackingResults('china-ems','LW505109082CN',$extraInfo);
    Delete multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $date = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->deleteMultipleTracking($data);
    Modify courier code
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->updateCarrierCode("123206167205","china-post","gls");
    Get account info
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getUserInfoBalance();
    Get number of trackings in each package status.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getStatusNumberCount();
    Stop updating trackings
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $date = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->setNumberNotUpdate($data);
    Check if a shipment is sent to remote area.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $date = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->searchDeliveryIsRemote($data);
    Get courier aging results
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $data = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->getCarrierCostTime($data);
    Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $data = array();
    $data[] = array(
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            "customer_name"=>"chase chen",
            "customer_email"=>"[email protected]",
    $data[] = array(
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            "customer_name"=>"chase chen",
            "customer_email"=>"[email protected]",
    $track = $track->updateMultipleTrackItem($data);

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