TrackingMore API

PHP Class Example 

  • The class of api

            1. Download this Class to desired location
            2. Fill in Trackingmore-Api-Key in this Class in line "protected $apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';"
            3. Require this class in your project.

    List all supported couriers and corresponding courier code at TrackingMore.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getCarrierList();
    Detect a carrier by tracking code
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $trackingNumber = 'RM121546236CN';
    $track = $track->detectCarrier($trackingNumber);
    Get tracking results of multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $numbers = 'RG848383345CN,RM121546236CN';
    $orders = '#123';
    $page = 1;
    $limit = 50;
    $createdAtMin = time() - 7*24*60*60;
    $createdAtMax = time();
    $update_time_min = time() - 7*24*60*60;
    $update_time_max = time();
    $order_created_time_min = time() - 7*24*60*60;
    $order_created_time_max = time();
    $lang = 'en';
    $track = $track->getTrackingsList($numbers,$orders,$page,$limit,$createdAtMin,$createdAtMax,$update_time_min,$update_time_max,$order_created_time_min,$order_created_time_max,$lang);
    Create a tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $extraInfo                         = array();
    $extraInfo['title']                = 'iphone6';
    $extraInfo['logistics_channel']   = '4PX挂号小包';
    $extraInfo['customer_name']        = 'charse chen';
    $extraInfo['customer_email']       = '[email protected]';
    $extraInfo['order_id']             = '8988787987';
    $extraInfo['customer_phone']       = '86 13873399982';
    $extraInfo['order_create_time']    = '2018-05-11 12:00';
    $extraInfo['destination_code']     = 'US';
    $extraInfo['tracking_ship_date']   = time();
    $extraInfo['tracking_postal_code'] = '13ES20';
    $extraInfo['lang']                 = 'en';
    $track = $track->createTracking('china-post','RM121516216CN',$extraInfo);
    Create multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $items = array(
            'tracking_number' => 'RM131516216CN',
            'carrier_code'    => 'china-post',
            'title'          => 'iphone6',
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            'customer_name'   => 'charse chen',
            'customer_email'  => '[email protected]',
            'order_id'      => '8988787987',
            'customer_phone'      => '+86 13873399982',
            'order_create_time'      => '2018-05-11 12:00',
            'destination_code'      => 'US',
            'tracking_ship_date'      => time(),
            'tracking_postal_code'      => '13ES20',
            'lang'      => 'en'
            'tracking_number' => 'RM111516216CN',
            'carrier_code'    => 'china-post',
            'title'          => 'iphone6s',
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            'customer_name'   => 'clooney chen',
            'customer_email'  => '[email protected]',
            'order_id'      => '898874587',
            'customer_phone'      => '+86 13873399982',
            'order_create_time'      => '2018-05-11 12:00',
            'destination_code'      => 'US',
            'tracking_ship_date'      => time(),
            'tracking_postal_code'      => '13ES20',
            'lang'      => 'en'
    $track = $track->createMultipleTracking($items);
    Get tracking results of a single tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getSingleTrackingResult('china-post','RM131516216CN','en');
    Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of a single tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $extraInfo['title']          = 'iphone6';
    $extraInfo['logistics_channel'] = '4PX挂号小包';
    $extraInfo['customer_name']  = 'charse chen';
    $extraInfo['customer_email'] = '[email protected]';
    $extraInfo['order_id']       = '8988787987';
    $extraInfo['customer_phone'] = '+86 13873399982';
    $extraInfo['destination_code'] = 'US';
    $extraInfo['status']       = 7;
    $track = $track->updateTrackingItem('china-post','RM131516216CN',$extraInfo);
    Delete a tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->deleteTrackingItem('china-post','RM131516216CN');
    Get realtime tracking results of a single tracking.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $extraInfo['destination_code']          = 'US';
    $extraInfo['tracking_ship_date']  = '20180226';
    $extraInfo['tracking_postal_code'] = '13ES20';
    $extraInfo['specialNumberDestination']       = 'US';
    $extraInfo['order']       = '#123123';
    $extraInfo['order_create_time']       = '2017/8/27 16:51';
    $extraInfo['lang']       = 'cn';
    $track = $track->getRealtimeTrackingResults('china-ems','LW505109082CN',$extraInfo);
    Delete multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $date = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->deleteMultipleTracking($data);
    Modify courier code
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->updateCarrierCode("123206167205","china-post","gls");
    Get account info
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getUserInfoBalance();
    Get number of trackings in each package status.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $track = $track->getStatusNumberCount();
    Stop updating trackings
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $date = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->setNumberNotUpdate($data);
    Check if a shipment is sent to remote area.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $date = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->searchDeliveryIsRemote($data);
    Get courier aging results
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $data = array();
    $data[] = array(
    $data[] = array(
    $track = $track->getCarrierCostTime($data);
    Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of multiple trackings.
    $track = new Trackingmore;
    $data = array();
    $data[] = array(
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            "customer_name"=>"chase chen",
            "customer_email"=>"[email protected]",
    $data[] = array(
            'logistics_channel' => '4PX挂号小包',
            "customer_name"=>"chase chen",
            "customer_email"=>"[email protected]",
    $track = $track->updateMultipleTrackItem($data);

Transform Your
Shipment Tracking Today

Looking to automate shipment updates or improve your delivery efficiency? With TrackingMore's powerful API, you'll have all the tools at your fingertips to transform your customer's post-purchase journey.