E-commerce Trends

E-commerce is now the most popular global online activity, and it is growing exponentially. This popularity stems from the ease, comfort, and convenience provided by online shopping. More and more people are reducing the number of physical store shopping and switching to online shopping. In addition, consumers’ trust in online purchases has increased, which has further promoted online sales. Just check current e-commerce statistics to confirm this growth.

Online shopping websites are constantly optimizing and improving, only to provide customers with the best shopping experience. At the same time, the online shopping process has also been greatly improved. Customers can start to find and select the products they need and use them more. Payment methods. Nowadays, online shopping is coming in droves, which is very different from the previous situation.

The e-commerce world has witnessed countless success stories. This is because the effort required to expand a virtual storefront and build a business around it is usually much easier than in the past, and more and more people are making a lot of money here. More people have poured into the e-commerce industry, trying to get a share of this wave of dividends.

A woman typing

The Importance of Order Tracking in E-commerce

The threshold of e-commerce seems to be very low, and the operation is very simple, as long as you open a store on the platform, you can sell goods. But in fact, it’s not just as simple as you think. The entire link is extremely cumbersome and complicated, such as product selection, operation, advertising, and after-sales service. But the core of the final competition is after-sales service. To a certain extent, after-sales service directly affects the buyer’s shopping experience. What are the consequences of poor user experience? The accumulation of negative reviews and the decline in various indicators of the store will directly result in a reduction in store rankings and even more serious risks of closing stores.

E-commerce is different from the physical industry. In offline shopping, most of the after-sales comes from product quality problems. In e-commerce, 80% of the after-sales comes from logistics. Consumers want to control their shipments from the moment they place an order. Logistics status, “Where is my parcel?” “When will my parcel arrive?” “My parcel is in a hurry, why hasn’t it arrived yet?” Such endless problems have been plagued by sellers. The sellers have so many orders because of too many orders. A lot of time is spent every day to help users inquire about the package logistics status, and sometimes they may face the risk of being complained if they do not reply in time.

Logistics has a great impact on the security of seller accounts. Logistics directly affects users’ shopping experience and sellers’ business. Therefore, good logistics management is especially important. How to monitor the status of each node of my package? How to confirm whether each package has reached the logistics time limit required by the platform? How can the express information abnormality be discovered for the first time? This is something that people doing e-commerce should not ignore.

What can Order Tracking Tools Do for You?

The order tracking tool integrates with major logistics providers to update the location and status of the package in your logistics system in real-time. Whether it is not yet shipped, in transit, or waiting to be signed, these statuses can be provided to customers based on the order tracking tool for them to access through their account pages.

E-commerce sellers do not need to answer questions such as “Where is my package?” to avoid taking up business time by answering these questions. Valuable time is best spent on marketing and promoting products and developing business, to maximize benefits.

With the continuous growth of e-commerce and the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, for sellers, choosing an efficient and stable order tracking tool is beneficial to enhance consumers’ shopping experience, enhance brand favorability, and achieve a significant increase in store turnover increase.

What is TrackingMore?

TrackingMore is a Global Express Tracking platform used by users in more than 220 countries and regions, which supports order tracking of 850 courier companies around the world. We are committed to creating an efficient, stable, and convenient international express tracking platform. And dedicated to providing global users with one-stop logistics information query services.

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Sellers can know the logistics information for the first time through TrackingMore and make some judgments on orders and even logistics providers. In case of abnormal status such as orders without logistics information, abnormal orders and distribution failure, timely take measures and contact the buyer or logistics provider for negotiation to avoid losses or even bad comments; Find the status of key nodes such as order distribution and arrival to be picked up, contact the buyer to increase the communication experience and improve the praise rate; Find service providers with higher logistics speed and better service, and reach long-term cooperation with them to reduce costs and losses.

Trackingmore aims to help your store improve the shopping experience, increase efficiency, and boost sales. Customized notification reduces costs in customer service, impressive tracking page brings customers back to your store and creates sales opportunities.

TrackingMore's tracking page

Benefits of Using TrackingMore

For orders without logistics messages, the Seller shall process them according to the provisions of different platforms

If the order is in the status of no logistics message for a long time, the seller may face the risk of account deduction or store score reduction according to the provisions of different platforms.
Therefore, when the seller tracks the order through TrackingMore and there is no logistics message for some time, it needs to be reissued in time according to different situations to avoid affecting the account number or store score. At the same time, if the package is lost, the seller can make a claim quickly to reduce the loss.

When the package arrives, remind the buyer to sign in in time to improve the shopping experience

When the package arrives, the buyer does not necessarily receive the package delivery message. After tracking the delivery of the package, the seller timely contacted the buyer to collect the package, which not only reduced the risk of package loss to a certain extent but also enabled the buyer to obtain a better shopping experience.

After the package is signed, it shall be evaluated in time to increase the rate of retention

After the seller tracks the goods signed by the buyer on the TrackingMore platform, the seller can prompt the evaluation in time. If the buyer is satisfied with the goods, he has a high desire to share when he just gets the goods. In this period, the seller has a great chance to gain the praise of the buyer.

After the buyer gets the goods for a long time, the desire to share will fade, and even forget it. If there is no order tracking, the seller may not know that the buyer has signed for the goods for a long time. At this time, urging comments is likely to be counterproductive, causing resentment among buyers and reducing the possibility of leaving comments.

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The seller can respond quickly to the query of failed delivery orders

The seller can track and query the status of order delivery failure through TrackingMore logistics. After this situation occurs, communicate with the logistics provider and the buyer in time to inquire about the cause of the problem. Different regions and countries have different situations and logistics regulations. For example, if the Russian buyer does not fill in his full name, the logistics delivery may fail. If the seller cannot find the specific reason, he can choose to negotiate with the buyer for a refund to avoid the buyer leaving bad comments.

The order has had no logistics update for a long time, and the Seller shall deal with it in time to avoid bad comments from the buyer

If the seller tracks an order and does not update the logistics information for a long time, it needs to contact the logistics provider in time to find the reason for the detention of goods and communicate the solution. At the same time, the logistics information can be shared with the buyer to calm the buyer’s mood and reduce the possibility of bad comments.

For abnormal logistics orders, the seller can handle them in time according to different situations

General abnormal orders are complex and difficult to handle. When the seller tracks that the order logistics is abnormal, first communicate with the logistics, and then contact the buyer to explain the situation and see if the buyer needs a refund. If it is in an abnormal situation for a long time, the seller can claim the logistics provider and stop the loss in time.

Final Words

After-sales is a key stage of the online shopping experience. Returning customers usually spend several times more than one-time shoppers, so it’s important to make every effort to get customers back to your store.

E-commerce order tracking plays a vital role in this process. Competition and the entire E-commerce industry continue to grow at an alarming rate, as do customer expectations. Typically, customers want the opportunity to track their order journey and track any possible changes.

Providing real-time order status updates and ensuring a fast and reliable delivery process not only helps to minimize buyer regret but is also one of the key points to promote the success of the overall E-commerce business.

The TrackingMore team shares insights on logistics tracking technology, industry trends, and e-commerce logistics solutions to help businesses streamline shipment tracking and enhance customer post-purchase experience.

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