CJ Packet revu par MLS

Where is my package?

Goodmorning! My package from Adam Olori, trackingnr. CJPIK0270002298YQ, is delivered (in Holland) during our holiday at August 15, 2020. It seems to be at the parcelshop. I cannot find any information on what to do now at your or Adam Olori's website! What number in Holland can I contact to receive my package?
CJ Packet

Réponse MLS

CJPIK0270002298YQ=3SWLT0005425790 Please check the status of order here:https://www..net/?nums=3SWLT0005425790 You can contact the local post for the package. Distributor: DHL Distributor website: https://www.dhlparcel.nl/nl DHL email:[email protected] Contact number: 31(0)88-345 43 99

Réponse CJ Packet

I’m from Hawaii and I ordered something from Clarin Beauty and this is what they used to ship my order but however I didn’t receive it yet although it says delivered Order number SYUS001405275

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