TrackingMore API


Manage your trackings

URI Method Description
POST /trackings/post POST Create a tracking.
GET /trackings/{carrier_code}/{tracking_number} GET Get tracking results of a single tracking.
PUT /trackings/{carrier_code}/{tracking_number} PUT Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of a single tracking.
DELETE /trackings/{carrier_code}/{tracking_number} DELETE Delete a tracking.
POST /trackings/batch POST Create multiple trackings.
GET /trackings/get GET Get tracking results of multiple trackings.
POST /trackings/updatemore POST Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of multiple trackings.
POST /trackings/delete POST Delete multiple trackings.
POST /trackings/realtime POST Get realtime tracking results of a single tracking.
POST /trackings/update POST Modify courier code
GET /trackings/getuserinfo GET Get account info
GET /trackings/getstatusnumber GET Get number of trackings in each package status.
POST /trackings/notupdate POST Stop updating trackings
POST /trackings/remote POST Check if a shipment is sent to remote area.
POST /trackings/costtime POST Get courier aging results
POST /trackings/aircargo POST Get tracking result of air waybill number

Get tracking results of multiple trackings.

Request E.g.



  • Content-Type: application/json
    Trackingmore-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY
  • Tips

    GET /trackings/get API interface concurrency limit 1 times/s.


ParamDescriptionDefault value
page (optional)Page to display1
limit (optional)Items per page (max 2000)100
status (optional)Items in this status null
created_at_min (optional)Start date and time of trackings created(format:The unix timestamp example:1076599161)null
created_at_max (optional)End date and time of trackings created.(format:The unix timestamp example:1076570361)now
update_time_min (optional)Start date and time of trackings updated(format:The unix timestamp example:1076599161)null
update_time_max (optional)End date and time of trackings updated.(format:The unix timestamp example:1076570361)now
order_created_time_min (optional)Start date and time of trackings created(format:The unix timestamp example:1076599161)null
order_created_time_max (optional)End date and time of trackings created.(format:The unix timestamp example:1076570361)now
lang (optional)Return to language type (only when courier official website supports).Learn morenull
numbers (optional)Track number (max 40) ,multiple numbers must be separated by .(Example:numbers=LX123445678CN,LX456789123CN)null
orders (optional)Order number (max 40) ,multiple orders must be separated by .(Example:orders=1234456,456789)null
archived (optional)String true Get archive number, string false Get undocumented number, other string value or null Get mixed number.null
  • Response Body 200

        "meta": {
            "code": 200,
            "type": "Success",
            "message": "Success"
        "data": {
            "page": 1,
            "limit": 25,
            "total": "56",
            "items": [
                "id": "009e9a8a6450cb5ce4b53ac75674fe78",
                "tracking_number": "RR050349575PH",
                "carrier_code": "phlpost",
                "status": "delivered",
                "created_at": "2015-10-30T11:35:16+08:00",
                "updated_at": "2015-11-03T13:47:20+08:00",
                "order_create_time": "2017-08-26 16:48",
                "title": null,
                "order_id": null,
                "customer_name": null,
                "customer_email": null,
                "archived": false,
                "original_country": "Philippines",
                "destination_country": "United States",
                "itemTimeLength": 12,
                "service_code": null,
                "origin_info": {
                    "weblink": "http:\/\/\/",
                    "phone": "+ (63) 854-9825",
                    "carrier_code": "phlpost",
                    "trackinfo": [{
                        "Date": "2015-10-25 15:01",
                        "StatusDescription": "Receive at country of destination",
                        "Details": "United States of America (the)"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2015-10-22 16:35",
                        "StatusDescription": "Prepare dispatch to destination country",
                        "Details": "PHILIPPINES"
                "destination_info": {
                    "weblink": "http:\/\/\/",
                    "phone": "1-800-275-8777",
                    "carrier_code": "usps",
                    "trackinfo": [{
                        "Date": "2015-11-02 17:11",
                        "StatusDescription": "Delivered",
                        "Details": "RENTON, WA 98056"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2015-11-02 08:07",
                        "StatusDescription": "Arrived at Unit",
                        "Details": "RENTON, WA 98059"
                "lastEvent": "Delivered,RENTON, WA 98056,2015-11-02 17:11",
                "lastUpdateTime": "2015-11-02 17:11"
                "id": "e1e4baddad2b782d3aa3f6c75277ea22",
                "tracking_number": "RN210552627LT",
                "carrier_code": "lietuvos-pastas",
                "status": "transit",
                "created_at": "2015-10-30T10:52:41+08:00",
                "updated_at": "2015-11-03T13:47:23+08:00",
                "order_create_time": "2017-08-26 16:48",
                "title": null,
                "order_id": null,
                "customer_name": null,
                "customer_email": null,
                "original_country": "Lithuania",
                "destination_country": "Korea, South",
                "itemTimeLength": null,
                "origin_info": {
                    "weblink": "http:\/\/\/",
                    "phone": "(370) 8 700 55400",
                    "carrier_code": "lietuvos-pastas",
                    "trackinfo": [{
                        "Date": "2015-10-29 17:26",
                        "StatusDescription": "Departure from outward office of exchange",
                        "Details": "HK AMC"
                "destination_info": {
                    "weblink": "http:\/\/\/",
                    "phone": "82-2-2108-9895",
                    "carrier_code": "korea-post",
                    "trackinfo": [{
                        "Date": "2015-10-29 17:26",
                        "StatusDescription": "Departure from outward office of exchange",
                        "Details": "HKHKGA,Dispatch number : KRSELB"
                "lastEvent": "Departure from outward office of exchange,HKHKGA,Dispatch number : KRSELB,2015-10-29 17:26",
                "lastUpdateTime": "2015-10-29 17:26"

Transform Your
Shipment Tracking Today

Looking to automate shipment updates or improve your delivery efficiency? With TrackingMore's powerful API, you'll have all the tools at your fingertips to transform your customer's post-purchase journey.