有效的订单跟踪可减少购买后的焦虑,让客户和企业安心。根据4over的一项研究,57% 的在线购物者认为订单跟踪是购买流程中必不可少的一部分。此外,96% 的受访客户会在网上订购后跟踪购买情况,其中 29% 的人如果无法跟踪则不愿意购买商品。
从这项研究中可以得出的结论是,有效的订单跟踪对于提高客户体验和满意度至关重要。为客户提供订单跟踪方式的企业可以减少 WISMO 工单并获得竞争优势。
TrackingMore是一个专用的多承运商跟踪平台,可提供有关您的订单的最新跟踪信息,无论由哪家承运商处理。使用 TrackingMore,您只需提供跟踪号即可在一个地方跟踪来自不同本地和国际承运商的订单。
TrackingMore 认识到商家面临的挑战,例如 WISMO 票数量高、客户保留率低、运营成本上升以及售后服务差。其专门为在线零售商提供的货运跟踪解决方案使品牌能够将跟踪数据直接集成到其网站中,从而简化跟踪流程并提高整体客户满意度。
当您将 TrackingMore 的货运跟踪 API实现到您的网站时,您将集成来自全球 1,300 多家承运商的包裹跟踪数据,其中包括 UPS、USPS、FedEx 和 DHL 等知名承运商。借助它,您可以在一秒钟内实时查看数百万件货物的货运状态。
Webhook 通知会定期通知您包裹状态更新,无需您手动检查。Webhook 有助于自动接收有关货运状态更新的通知。您可以选择要通知哪些更新,以确保您随时掌握对您的业务最重要的跟踪信息。
TrackingMore API 是一种快速稳定的解决方案,全天候可用,API 正常运行时间为 99.9%,数据安全性达到军用级。借助此强大的跟踪 API 和 Webhook,您将不会错过任何更新,并且可以快速响应任何发货异常,以免升级为负面的客户体验。
TrackingMore 的货运仪表板全面概述了来自不同承运商的包裹运送数据。此集中式仪表板可实现高效的货运管理和监控,从而快速识别和应对任何运送差异。主要功能包括:
TrackingMore 的品牌跟踪页面功能允许您使用简单的拖放工具自定义跟踪页面。
跟踪页面是让客户能够自行跟踪订单并减少 WISMO 票证的绝佳方式。它还可以促进与客户的互动并提供额外的销售渠道,帮助您的品牌通过量身定制的产品推荐提高客户的终身价值。同时,品牌跟踪体验可确保您的客户购买后的旅程与他们在购买过程中的整体品牌体验保持一致。
借助 TrackingMore 通过电子邮件和短信自动发送的发货通知功能,您可以减少客户的焦虑,并通过在每个交货检查点自动通知给他们一种安心感。此功能是您网站优化交货率的秘密武器。即时通知可让您减少客户投诉,并快速响应包裹损坏、丢失或被盗等交货异常情况。
TrackingMore 可让您选择所需的通知触发器,并决定何时通知客户其订单状态。利用拖放编辑器自定义通知模板并展示您的品牌标识。
安装在您的网站上后,TrackingMore 的跟踪小部件可提供易于访问且用户友好的界面,从而简化客户的订单跟踪流程。此小部件可让客户直接在您的网站上输入他们的跟踪号,无需离开您的平台即可即时访问实时跟踪信息。此功能不仅通过提供便利来增强客户体验,而且还可提高客户参与度和忠诚度。
TrackingMore 可以帮助您跟踪不同电子商务市场(如亚马逊、WooCommerce 和 Klaviyo)的订单。借助 TrackingMore,您可以充分发挥您的在线商店向客户销售商品的潜力,并从集中位置跟踪所有订单。
使用 TrackingMore 增强客户的购后体验,这是面向客户的电子商务品牌的头号订单跟踪解决方案。利用此平台的功能让您的品牌吸引回头客。
TrackingMore 是全球 10,000 多家企业的首选订单跟踪平台。许多领先品牌都信任 TrackingMore 能够为其团队和客户简化订单跟踪,其中包括Shein 、 DJI和Aukey 。
TrackingMore customers across industries are transforming their businesses with the API integration.
Provide a completely seamless branded buyer's journey with TrackingMore. Our platform is designed to make online retail operations fast and more efficient so that your customers can have the perfect post-purchase experience.
"TrackingMore's tracking API has everything we need to relieve our customer team of the pressure caused by tons of WISMO requests, while fulfilling our customers' needs for higher shipment visibility."
– Min Chen, Senior Supply Chain Analyst, Shein
Efficiency improved
WISMO calls reduced
Simplify package tracking and bring transparency to your online marketplace. Optimize your platform by integrating TrackingMore’s powerful tracking API as a connecting bridge between sellers and buyers. Build trust and exceed expectations.
Kaufland, a prominent German hypermarket chain with over 1,400 stores, has seen innovation in its order tracking operations and an enhancement in team efficiency through the integration of the TrackingMore API.
Decrease in order tracking time
Rise in repeat customers
Partner up with TrackingMore and get a comprehensive, end-to-end shipment visibility for you. Establish a strong supplier network and boost customer satisfaction by providing transparent and real-time order tracking services to your customers.
"Based on the logistics tracking issues faced by merchants and their customers, we started using TrackingMore’s tracking API."
– Billy Zhu, Product Manager, Dropshipman.
Refund rate
Orders fulfilled
Manage order and optimize fulfillment processes with TrackingMore’s intuitive tracking API. Our platform is created to streamline all your order tracking needs, from quickly identifying shipment exceptions to shortening fulfillment turnaround times by spotting shipping bottlenecks.
Passport Shipping is an international carrier for 3PLs, handling millions of packages worldwide. After integrating TrackingMore API, Passport streamlined its holiday season traffic ultimately increasing its CSAT scores by 6%.
Increase in OTD rates
Reduction in problem resolution time
Integrate TrackingMore tracking API into your company’s MarTech stack and find more smarter marketing opportunities. Connect delivery data to your marketing automation systems and trigger personalized campaigns based on shipment status.
Bamko is a full-service promotional merchandising agency. TrackingMore helped Bamko achieve a 15% boost in customer retention, ultimately increasing the potency of its customers' brands.
On-time delivery rate
Reduction in data reconciliation time
TrackingMore’s powerful API is engineered for fast and stable integration into your tech ecosystem. Streamline your operational workflows and use data-driven tracking insights to provide exceptional services to your customers.
Denali is a global IT solutions leader that integrated TrackingMore’s API to provide a streamlined experience to its customers in the logistics industry. As a result, Denali saw its customer retention rise to 79%.
Customer retention rate
Reduction in operational costs
Ensure reliable and fast shipment verification and records with TrackingMore’s reliable tracking API. Gain secure, transparent order visibility in high-risk transactions and analyze tracking data to continually improve fraud prevention model.
Tabby is a Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) financial service provider that integrated TrackingMore to combat transparency issues, resulting in a drastic decrease in customer-merchant conflicts and scam rates.
Reduced scamming instances
Lower merchant-buyer conflicts
想要自动更新货件或提高交付效率?借助 TrackingMore 强大的 API,您将拥有触手可及的所有工具,以改变客户的售后旅程。