Sunyou Seguimiento

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Very fast delivery

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Jasser Daoud

I have shipment arrived to Saudi Arabia since 16 July 2020, Chilliknight online store ask me to contact you, sorry I don\'t have any email to contact Sunyou. could you please inform me who is the carrier in Saudi Arabia have my shipment. Tracking Ref. SYRM104558079

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First of all: I am human. I ordered a watch ( and got it in one month and it works perfectly fine!!

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After 4 months i got my package because of the virus for sure,well the last infomation that you will always get,will be \"arrived at destination\" after that you have to wait for the mailman from your country to deliver to you,but it can take 1 or 3 months to you, i dont know why but that is the reality,take care

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I didn\'t believe it anymore, but the goods arrived in the eu after 4 months from china. It is the slowest service in the world, but the goods have arrived.

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I ordered something in Aliexpress and they promised to send it in about a month later, but it was actually two months. In my experience last time, it said “Arrived at destination contry” in March but it was delivered to my mailbox in May (I live in US) So just be patient guys because the shipping cost is very very cheap and some packages are delivered by boat or train, it is very long to get in your hands, do not expect to receive your product in a week or two weeks. You pay a low shipping cost, you will receive it slow. Trust me, I am a real person with real experience with SunYou. Thank you.

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Donde puedo recoger mi producto que sale que ya llego a peru?

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It took 22 days but I got it I\'m happy

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Sunil Kumar mitra

My tracking no.SYRM102036197 .order to Friday record from India.unstill delivered.It was passed by 62 days from order.

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It arrived in 4 weeks, instead of 8 so I am happy.

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Le spedizioni che arrivano in italia con spedizioniere sunyou vengono gestite quasi sempre con Hermes - Sailpost. Una volta preso in gestione da loro possono esserci 2 scenari: 1) Vengono gestite completamente da loro (solitamente con auto privare senza nulla di riconducibile a un azienda logistica), 2) Vengono affidate a corrieri terzi per mancanza di centri nel territorio. In tutti e 2 i casi nel vostro tracking potrebbe essere segnata la dicitura \"consegnato\", non dovete spaventarvi perche\' non e\' stato consegnato al vicino o perso come si crede ma solitamente serve un ulteriore settimana senza possibilita\' alcuna di tracciarla (panico!) per riceverla a casa, Solitamente il tracking a loro affidati hanno una sintassi del tipo: LBxxxxxxxxxLT

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Kemi Soyemi

Hello. I made two ordersast December and I have not received the SYRM100315356 yet, it is said to be delivered in destination country but where exactly? Please the real adress is Dresdnerstrasse 11 /8/5. 1200 VIENNA AUSTRIA

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Even though it is a long process my items did arrive one via hermes. Patience is a virtue

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love it. Nice packaging of the product. Hoping for more transactions with you soon.

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Mi stavo preoccupando leggendo tutte queste recensioni negative, ma il mio pacco è arrivato dopo 20 giorni dalla Cina, consegnato perfettamente integro.

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Please do you have another alternative number accepted by Correo Argentino in Argentina, those number were not accepted by the post . [email protected]

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great. I got it on time. can\'t wait to open my box.

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great. i received the package and delivered it on time. I am super Happy.

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good. Nice packaging of the product. can\'t wait to open my box.

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